ZIZG-012 [监狱战舰--要塞城市中的洗脑与改造--大场由依、仓田茂、佐佐木光海。
The fifth installment of the ZIZ special effects series! Another live-action adaptation of the "Jail Battleship" series, which has sold a total of 230,000 copies! Based on the PC game "Jail Battleship 2: Brainwashing Remodeling in a Fortress City"! The story unfolds around the theme of brainwashing and its worldview is recreated in live action! A new "Jail Battleship" with a cast of actresses with rich personalities! Story: The Neo-Terrors (Earth faction) and the New Thorals (colonialists) continue their dark struggle in the solar system. Cordelia, a fortress city on a satellite of Uranus, a military power known as the third pole, is about to join the New Solar camp, thanks to the decision of General Alicia Beustrem, a war genius, and Maya Cordelia, the princess who will become the next grand duke supported by her. To prevent this, the protagonist Dino DiLasso, a Neo Terrors agent, infiltrates the "Brainwashing Lab" secretly installed on board the advanced battleship Yerkel, and plans to brainwash Alicia and Maya and thoroughly train them to destroy their personalities!
Published at 26th Jun 2015
Published at 26th Jun 2015