UMSO-257 我是一个离了婚的单亲父亲,从妻子那里逃了出来,但我却意外地迎来了一段受欢迎的时期!我爱上了邻居的妈妈们,她们可怜我,在白天照顾我 vol.10
At my daughter's piano recital, I was complaining to a friend of mine who was sitting next to me at the same apartment about the difficulties of being a single parent, and she told me, "I'll listen to you slowly tomorrow..." I went to her room later that day... My daughter experienced making chiffon cakes at a friend's house and wanted to make one for her father, but she couldn't do it by herself, so her friend decided to make one and bring it to her....
Published at 12th Jul 2019
Published at 12th Jul 2019