RPD-020 成熟的哈伦奇 - "光天化日之下,没有丈夫!大约三分之一针对家庭主妇的强奸案 都发生在受害者家中!"(RPD-20)
Yuko, 38 years old, leaves her child at a day-care center and returns home pushing a baby stroller. A man from a construction company follows her in his car. The conversation gradually turns from children to vulgar topics... then..! 2. Yayoi, 37 years old, a single stalker in the neighborhood who has a one-sided love for Yayoi. After seeing her husband off, the man watches her while she does her housework, and when he sees an opportunity, he enters her house... 3. She is annoyed by her brother-in-law, who is visiting her brother and sister-in-law's house. Nanami was reluctant to do so, but when he said, "Go home"...
Published at 29th Feb 2016
Published at 29th Feb 2016