NGOD-098 明日香凛是一个贫穷的年轻妻子,每月 25 日都会因为没有交房租而被房东戴上绿帽子。
Married 2 years, no children. I was a hard worker who got up at 5:00 a.m. every morning to work on a job site as an apprentice carpenter, and although I was not well-off, I lived with my lovely wife in a rented apartment. One day I messed up on a job site and injured myself completely. My injury made our family's finances even tougher, as I was basically paid by the day and by the month for my hard work. It was getting harder and harder to pay the rent, which is due on the 25th of every month...!
Published at 4th May 2019
Published at 4th May 2019