MASM-027 我失业了,被迫和一个时髦的离家出走的女小鬼 J-kei 呆在家里,她不分昼夜地对我咄咄逼人,我陷入了挤奶和中田希的地狱。
I just now slammed my resignation letter to my shitty workplace. I was so relieved to be free from hard labor that I was skipping home on a high, but it seems I was followed by a stranger, a J-kei, who said, "You're unemployed, aren't you? I was followed by a stranger, a J-kei, who said, "Mister, you don't have a job, do you? Let me stay at your house." What a bitch! Just when you thought you were going to enjoy the slow life of a single man, you get a foot job and a 24-hour cumshot in your spare time...!
Published at 7th Sep 2024
Published at 7th Sep 2024