JUQ-863 理央,你长大了...每次回娘家 两个叔叔都会叫我 朝日理央
'My sweet, sweet niece...welcome home, Rio-chan.' When I was still small and at my parents' house, my uncles used to play with me. When I was still small and at home, my uncles used to play with me. I hated it so much that I ran away from my parents' house and never came back. I moved to Tokyo and got married. However, my father's condition worsened, and I had to return home. I wondered how long it had been since I had seen my parents' house...nothing had changed, as if time had stopped. Those two uncles had also returned.... And my uncles once again turned their savage gaze on me, now a married woman, and greeted me with glee...."
Published at 6th Sep 2024
Published at 6th Sep 2024