JUQ-618 向井爱的短发很适合她--她的面纱已经揭开。 她是一名已婚妇女,有人给了她一把复制的钥匙,她独自住在一个房间里,一名男学生在那里被中田希(Nakadashi)看管,直到他毕业。
One day, Yutaro, who lives alone, meets Ai, a married woman, at a neighborhood tavern. She had fallen out with her husband and was at her wits' end, so he decided to have a drink with her. They became friends and soon began to have physical relations. Yutaro gave Ai a duplicate key to his house, and Ai started going to Yutaro's house with a shopping bag in her hand after her husband left for work. As if to distract herself from the loneliness of their marriage, Ai begins to spend intimate time in the younger man's room....
Published at 22nd Mar 2024
Published at 22nd Mar 2024