HBAD-369 Showa-era woman, nighttime rape The men of the village are unable to restrain their lust for the sexy young city wife who has married into the village, and they rape her at night while her husband is away, tie her up, and make her a comforting woman.
昭和30年代 地方では夜●いが横行していた。都会から嫁いできた色香漂う貞淑な人妻桃香は、夫が出稼ぎに行っている隙に夜●いの洗礼を受ける。地元の若者には徹夜で夜●いされまくり、村長には縛られたあげく手込めにされる、弄ばれ犯●れ、耐える昭和女のカラダはいつしか男根をぶち込まれ悶え声をあげてしまう。
Published at 15th Jun 2017
Published at 15th Jun 2017