GOJU-043 一位成熟女性为了缓解身体僵硬而去看理疗师,结果由于不懈地按压穴位排尿,导致膀胱松弛,积存的尿液不管她的意图如何都会溢出,造成穿裤子时大量尿失禁!
A bodywork clinic frequented by elderly mature women is staffed by a perverted bodyworker who waits for her prey! When the therapist, who does not listen to the complaints of his female clients, relentlessly presses the pressure points that stimulate the urge to urinate, the women are unable to hold back and spread out a massive incontinence! The women begin to run wild with shame, and soon fall into the forbidden act of reaching for the perverted bodyworker's penis in a closed room!
Published at 17th Nov 2017
Published at 17th Nov 2017