GHNU-024 巾帼不让须眉 口水流得一塌糊涂 污秽不堪羞愧难当 强兽小分队 狂野游侠牺牲狂野白雪蕊日月
Wild White is targeted by the evil organization Morgus. He is warded off and unable to communicate with his friends. White is being outnumbered by the monsters. He tries to escape, but more monsters appear and block his way. White's reinforced suit gets dirty in the forest. He is also forced to fight with his feet in the mud. As Wild White is held captive, a new monster named Zoogs appears and releases a large amount of liquid from his nose and takes over Wild White's body... What is Wild White's fate? [BAD END]
Published at 1st Oct 2023
Published at 1st Oct 2023