BLB-012 黑人的巨型马拉 他开了一家心仪的商店,却因经营不善而负债累累....。 讨债人无法反抗,继续被强奸。 岩泽佳代
Kayo and her husband opened a bar that they had longed for. Her husband had borrowed money for the bar. They thought they would be able to pay it back as soon as the business got going, but sales at the bar were slow to pick up. One day, blacks who were collecting the debt came to the store. Kayo stops them as they press her husband to repay the debt. The blacks take one look at Kayo and suggest, "If your wife listens to us, we will extend the repayment. Kayo does as the blacks say, hoping that I will be patient a little longer. That was the beginning of hell...
Published at 23rd Oct 2021
Published at 23rd Oct 2021