AP-301 母女俩被绑架和限制,女儿当着母亲的面泄了精!'如果你不想让女儿怀孕,就说:"请把它放进我(母亲)的肚子里!"告诉她!"母亲被迫求他射精,而他也如她所愿,当着女儿的面射精!当然,她不可能遵守诺言,于是她也在女儿体内射精,并操了她!
A mother and daughter are abducted while they are walking peacefully in the city! The daughter is raped in front of her mother with her hands restrained... The daughter is raped in front of her mother, whose hands are bound... "If you don't want your daughter to get pregnant by cumming inside you, say 'Please cum inside me! If you don't want your daughter to get pregnant, please let it come out of me! The mother is forced to accept the men's demands and beg them to cum inside her! The mother, who is raped according to the men's words, climaxes with a lewd cumshot against her rational mind while shaking her ripe big tits! The daughter is also raped again, and of course she gets Nakadashi! The whole story of this heinous parent-child Nakadashi rape!
Published at 3rd Apr 2016
Published at 3rd Apr 2016