Director : 池袋店長
GS-029 The young doctor is a young woman who is so excited about being a doctor that she is willing to play pranks on her patients! He even made a stain on his pants and felt them so much that he couldn't resist and inserted himself into them. I finally achieved my dream of being a doctor!
GS-260 A schoolgirl in school uniform browsing in a bookstore is wearing a short skirt, and she is so attracted by the skirt that she takes a sneak peek. But she's too serious to notice, so she peeks in with her guts...and guess what? The girl shoplifts! I couldn't help but let out an "ah" and our eyes met! We were both in a bad situation, and I was in a bookstore without being noticed by the others!
GS-180 最近、若奥さんの間でプチブーム!?買い物帰りにミニシアターでソソるエロ映画鑑賞!!ムラムラしながら見ている若奥さんの隣には勃起して見ている男!お互いソソられ我慢の限界!こんな所でやっちゃっても良いの?声を殺すのも限界!見られてますます興奮!!